Math Functions in Ladder Diagram
Basic math functions like ADD, SUB, MUL, and DIV are used for fundamental arithmetic operations. ADD performs addition, SUB handles subtraction, MUL carries out multiplication, and DIV conducts division. These functions take in operands as inputs and deliver the calculated results as outputs, serving as building blocks for more complex control logic in industrial automation.
Two input parameters, IN1 and IN2, along with one output parameter, OUT, are required for each basic math function in Ladder Logic. The function block is controlled by two additional parameters: EN for enabling and ENO for indicating that the block is enabled. Specifically, EN activates the function block, while ENO confirms its active status. The operands for the calculation are fed into IN1 and IN2, and the computed result is stored in OUT.
It's important to note that only Number or Time variable types are permitted for these input and output parameters.
Runtime Behavior
When EN is set to true, the math function gets executed. The result is stored in OUT, and ENO also becomes true to indicate the function is active. If EN is set to false, the function is disabled, and ENO is set to false to confirm it's turned off. If EN remains true, the function will run in every cycle scan. To run the function only a single time, you can use Positive or Negative Transition-Sensing Contacts.
Result = Input1 + Input2
Result = Input1 - Input2
Result = Input1 \* Input2
Result = Input1 / Input2